16岁的波碧,是家里养尊处优的小公主。虽然身处繁华的加利福尼亚,饭来张口衣来伸手,还有一张无限额的信用卡,可波碧依然像所有的青春期女孩一样,淘气叛逆。可她无法无天的恶作剧终于还是让父亲忍无可忍,一夜之间,金丝雀就被送到了英国传统严肃的寄宿学校进行改造教育。波碧的肆无忌惮终于遇到了“强敌”,在异国的世界里,没人会理她的小姐脾气。可就算是变成淑女,野孩子也不会规规矩矩。请小心:最固若金汤的寄宿学校,也将遭遇她制造的灾难效应!The age of 16 green wave, is the home of the privileged to small princess. Although in prosperous California, YiLaiShenShou five minutes, and a no limit credit card, can wave is still like all of the adolescent's girl, naughty rebellious. But she lawless prank finally let father close unbearable, overnight, the canary was sent to the traditional English serious boarding school education reform. Green wave of unbridled finally met"Nemesis", in the exotic world, nobody listens to miss her temper. But even become the fair maiden, wild child also won't unconventional. Please be careful: the strongest boarding school, also will have her, make disaster effect!
2、From the film Wild Child, we can know that growing environment and education are extremely important to a child's development.
3、The"wild child" was abandoned by his family in the wild when he was young. He grew up alone in the wild and had no chance to contact the human society and received no education. As a result, he behaved differently from ordinary people and lost his hearing and language ability.
4、Later, the"wild child" under the training of Dr. Itai, gradually learn human behavior, and eventually made great progress. If the"wild child" is in a normal family, then he must be a normal child.
5、Thus, the environment and education are critical to the development of children. In addition to environment and education, genetic factors also play a big role in children's development.
6、Genetic defects can lead to congenital malformations and various diseases, resulting in children's mental disabilities and psychological disorders. The development of children will be greatly affected.